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martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Arqueología en 4.0.6

Si usted ha estado yendo a través de la notas del parche 4.0.6 probablemente vio la línea siguiente.
Posteado Originalmente por Zarhym
(Post Azul)
  • El valor de venta de todos los artefactos común se ha duplicado, mientras que un pequeño subconjunto de artefactos comunes han tenido su mayor valor de venta mucho más allá.
Ese cambio no parece importante al principio, pero en realidad es más importante que uno pensaría que para las personas que pasan mucho tiempo buscando objetos.

Algunos de los grises / elementos no deseados que recibe de la arqueología había aumentado considerablemente su precio (hasta 1000 monedas de oro) y si los tiene en su equipaje es probablemente una buena idea esperar a que el parche antes de venderlos ... Estoy seguro de que odiaría perder 1000 monedas de oro (o más) debido a eso, ¿verdad?

Por lo que yo que este cambio no se ha corregido en los servidores en vivo y tendrá que esperar a que el parche.
(Tabla en ingles)

ItemOld PriceNew Price
Word of Empress Zoe10g1000g
Silver Kris of Korl9g180g
Scepter of NezarAzret5g100g
Fine Crystal Candelabra1g 20s72g
Infested Ruby Ring5g50g
Six-Clawed Cornice5g50g
Bodacious Door Knocker20s20g
Insect in Amber20s20g
Maul of Stone Guard Murog1g20g
Anklet with Golden Bells1g20g
Pipe of Franclorn Forgewright10g20g
Scepter of Bronzebeard9g19g
Warmaul of Burningeye9g18g
Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage9g18g
Gahzrilla Figurine20s12g
Intricate Treasure Chest Key5g10g
Flint Striker5g10g
Fanged Cloak Pin5g10g
Thorned Necklace5g10g
Proto-Drake Skeleton5g10g
Imprint of a Kraken Tentacle5g10g
Spidery Sundial5g10g
Ewer of Jormungar Blood5g10g
Viziers Scrawled Streamer5g10g
Chest of Tiny Glass Animals40s8g
Gruesome Heart Box3g 50s7g
Moltenfists Jeweled Goblet11s6g 30s
Jade Asp with Ruby Eyes10s6g

Black Trilobite5s3g
Strange Silver Paperweight1g 10s2g 10s
Mummified Organ1g2g
Tiny Bronze Scorpion1g2g
Gray Candle Stub1g2g
Rusted Steak Knife1g2g
Scepter of Nekros Skullcrusher1g2g
Fierce Wolf Figurine1g2g
Fiendish Whip1g2g
Tile of Glazed Clay1g2g
Skull Drinking Cup1g2g
Carved Harp of Exotic Wood1g2g
Scepter of the Nathrezim1g2g
Baroque Sword Scabbard1g2g
Dignified Portrait1g2g
Plated Elekk Goad1g2g
Tiny Oasis Mosaic1g2g
Engraved Scimitar Hilt1g2g
Sketch of a Desert Palace1g2g
Carcanet of the Hundred Magi90s1g 80s
Silver Scroll Case90s1g 80s
Umbra Crescent90s1g 80s
Castle of Sand90s1g 80s
Cat Statue with Emerald Eyes90s1g 80s
Soapstone Scarab Necklace90s1g 80s
Scandalous Silk Nightgown5s1g
Mithril Chain of Angerforge41s81s
Dented Shield of Horuz Killcrow40s80s
Scorched Staff of Shadow Priest Anund40s80s
Scepter of Charlga Razorflank40s80s
Skull Staff of Shadowforge40s80s
Tooth with Gold Filling40s80s
Drakkari Sacrificial Knife40s80s
String of Small Pink Pearls40s80s
Cracked Crystal Vial40s80s
Scepter of Xavius40s80s
Feathered Raptor Arm40s80s
Vicious Ancient Fish40s80s
Winged Helm of Corehammer20s50s
Bracelet of Jade and Coins22s44s
Hairpin of Silver and Malachite22s44s
Notched Sword of Tunadil the Redeemer20s40s
Boot Heel with Scrollwork20s40s
Golden Chamber Pot20s40s
Ironstars Petrified Shield20s40s
Skull-Shaped Planter20s40s
Atalai Scepter20s40s
Devilsaur Tooth20s40s
Kaldorei Amphora20s40s
Ancient Shark Jaws20s40s
Delicate Music Box20s40s
Silver Neck Torc11s21s
Cloak Clasp with Antlers10s20s
Pewter Drinking Cup10s20s
Ceramic Funeral Urn10s20s
Stone Gryphon10s20s
Feathered Gold Earring10s20s
Eerie Smolderthorn Idol10s20s
Cinnabar Bijou10s20s
Coin from EldreThalas10s20s
Shattered Glaive10s20s
Twisted Ammonite Shell10s20s
Green Dragon Ring10s20s
Strange Velvet Worm10s20s
Belt Buckle with Anvilmar Crest5s 50c10s 50c
Fetish of Hireek5s 20c10s 20c
Worn Hunting Knife5s10s
Wooden Whistle5s10s
Bone Gaming Dice5s10s
Zandalari Voodoo Doll5s10s
Lizard Foot Charm5s10s
Beautiful Preserved Fern5s10s
Highborne Pyxis5s10s
Inlaid Ivory Comb5s10s
Dwarven Baby Socks5s10s
Necklace with Elune Pendant5s10s
Shard of Petrified Wood5s10s
Fine Bloodscalp Dinnerware5s10s

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