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viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Zul'Aman y en la Tabla botín Zul'Gurub

La última PTR construir agregó elementos a Zul'Gurub y Zul'Aman y ahora tenemos una idea bastante buena de lo que caerá allí.

     * No hay capturas de pantalla por el momento, los modelos no están implementadas todavía.
     * La lista podría no ser definitiva, sobre todo porque es muy molesto para buscar elementos en el PTR de generación actual.

Level Type Spec Slot Name
353AxeMeleeTwo-HandReforged Trollbane
353BackMeleeBackHex Lord's Bloody Cloak
353BackPhysical DPSBackRecovered Cloak of Frostheim
353BackSpell DPSBackHakkari Loa Drape
353BowPhysical DPSRangedMandokir's Tribute
353BowTankRangedVoodoo Hunting Bow
353ClothSpell DPSFeetBoots of the Ursine
353ClothSpell DPSLegsSerpentine Leggings
353ClothSpell DPSShoulderJan'alai's Spaulders
353ClothSpell DPSWaistSash of Anguish
353ClothSpell DPSWristWristwraps of Madness
353ClothSpell SpiritChestHexing Robes
353ClothSpell SpiritHeadThe Hexxer's Mask
353ClothSpell SpiritShoulderClaw-Fringe Mantle
353ClothSpell SpiritWristWristwraps of Departed Spirits
353DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandTwinblade of the Hakkari
353DaggerSpell DPSOne-HandVoodoo Hexblade
353FingerMeleeFingerRing of the Numberless Brood
353FingerPhysical DPSFingerArlokk's Signet
353FingerSpell DPSFingerShimmerclaw Band
353FingerSpell DPSFingerSignet of Venoxis
353FingerSpell SpiritFingerSoul Drain Signet
353Fist Weap.Physical DPSOne-HandThekal's Claws
353Fist Weap.Physical DPSOne-HandArlokk's Claws
353LeatherMeleeFeetFasc's Preserved Sandals
353LeatherMeleeHeadThe Savager's Mask
353LeatherMeleeLegsLeggings of Dancing Blades
353LeatherMeleeWristAmani'shi Belt
353LeatherPhysical DPSChestShadowtooth Trollskin Breastplate
353LeatherPhysical DPSWaistBelt of Slithering Serpents
353LeatherSpell DPSChestVestments of the Soulflayer
353LeatherSpell DPSFeetTwo-Toed Moccasins
353LeatherSpell SpiritLegsLeggings of the Pride
353LeatherSpell SpiritWristArmbands of the Bear Spirit
353MaceMeleeTwo-HandJeklik's Smasher
353MaceSpell SpiritOne-HandAmani Scepter of Rites
353MailPhysical DPSHandsHandguards of the Tormented
353MailPhysical DPSHeadHeaddress of Sharpened Vision
353MailPhysical DPSLegsZombie Walker Legguards
353MailPhysical DPSShoulderPauldrons of Nalorakk
353MailPhysical DPSWaistWaistband of Hexes
353MailSpell DPSWaistHawkscale Waistguard
353MailSpell DPSWristShadowmender Wristguards
353MailSpell SpiritChestBreastplate of Serenity
353MailSpell SpiritHandsMojo-Mender's Gloves
353MailSpell SpiritLegsKilt of Forgotten Rites
353MailSpell SpiritShoulderSpiritbinder Spaulders
353NeckPhysical DPSNeckAmulet of the Watcher
353NeckTankNeckAmulet of Protection
353Off-HandSpell SpiritOff-HandLost Bag of Whammies
353PlateMeleeChestChestplate of Hubris
353PlateMeleeFeetSkullcrusher Warboots
353PlateMeleeHandsPlunderer's Gauntlets
353PlateMeleeHeadRoaring Mask of Bethekk
353PlateMeleeLegsJungle Striders
353PlateMeleeWristDeathcharged Wristguards
353PlateSpell SpiritChestTroll Skull Chestplate
353PlateSpell SpiritFeetBoots of Bad Mojo
353PlateSpell SpiritHeadPlumed Medicine Helm
353PlateTankChestBattleplate of the Amani Empire
353PlateTankHandsBone Plate Handguards
353PlateTankHeadSpiritshield Mask
353PlateTankShoulderPauldrons of Sacrifice
353PlateTankWaistCoils of Hate
353ShieldSpell DPSOff HandZulian Ward
353ShieldTankOff HandShield of the Blood God
353StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandLegacy of Arlokk
353SwordMeleeOne-HandZulian Slasher
353SwordMeleeOne-HandRenataki's Soul Slicer
353SwordTankOne-HandBloodlord's Protector
353WandSpell DPSRangedTouch of Discord
353WandSpell DPSRangedZulian Voodoo Stick
70MountAmani Battle Bear

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